Securing Agriculture. With Agrivoltaics

Using agrivoltaic systems, agricultural enterprises can protect their crops from extreme weather. At the same time they generate additional income and contribute to the energy transition.

Secure Your Agriculture and Our Food Supply.

Agricultural enterprises face ever-evolving challenges that require innovative solutions to ensure their survival. Agrivoltaic systems can not only enhance resilience against climate changes and market fluctuations but also actively contribute to environmental protection and sustainable energy generation.

Familie in Landwirtschaft

Current Challenges

Wetterextreme mit Agri-PV

Increasing Extreme Weather

Droughts, heavy rains, hail, and heat stress soils and crop yields, compelling farmers to adapt their cultivation methods and crops.

Wassermanagment mit Agri-PV


Currently, only about 3% of agricultural land is irrigated. With more frequent drought periods, efficient use of water resources is an increasing challenge.

Regulatorisches bei Agri-PV

Political & Regulatory Changes

New EU agricultural policies and national laws, such as the Fertilizer Ordinance and the Insect Protection Act, lead to stricter environmental requirements. These demand investments in more sustainable technologies and practices from farms.

preisdruck icon

Price Pressure & Volatile Markets

Fluctuating prices for agricultural products and rising costs for inputs such as fertilizers, seeds, and energy make planning and economic stability difficult.

Demografischer Wandel

Demographic Change & Skilled Labor Shortage

Many agricultural enterprises face succession problems as fewer young people are interested in agricultural careers. Additionally, there is a shortage of skilled workers.

Biodiviversität mit Agri-PV

Protecting Biodiversity & the Environment

Promoting biodiversity and reducing the environmental impact of agricultural production are central challenges, amplified by social and political pressure.

What Benefits Does Agrivoltaics Offer Agriculture?

Boden & Pflanzenschutz mit Agri-PV

Soil & Plant Protection

Agrivoltaic installations can help mitigate the effects of heat and drought by shading crops. These structures protect plants from direct sunlight or hail, reduce water needs by lowering evaporation, and help stabilize yields under extreme weather conditions.

Water Management

Water Management

Agrivoltaic systems can reduce the need for irrigation. They can also capture rainwater, which can be stored and used later.

Wassermanagement mit Agri-PV

Sustainability and Regulatory Compliance

Agrivoltaic systems can always be combined with soil improvement measures or compensation areas. Thus they support climate goals and promote biodiversity.

Independence through Income Diversification

Independence through Income Diversification

Besides farming, solar power generation provides an additional income source, contributing to the economic stability of the farm. Especially during times of low agricultural prices, agrivoltaic systems offer an important source of revenue.

Zusätzliches Einkommen mit Agri-PV
Zukunftssicher mit Agri-PV


These systems offer additional income and can be combined with automated systems, increasing efficiency and productivity and compensating for the lack of labor. This can make farming more attractive to younger generations.

Social Acceptance and Market Demand

Agrivoltaics can enhance the societal perception of agriculture by demonstrating that farmers are actively working on solutions to the energy and environmental crises. This can increase market demand for products from such sustainable sources.

AgroSolar Europe unterstützt Stadtwerke bei Agri-PV

Our service

Everything in one place

As a reliable partner, we provide comprehensive support in planning and realizing an agrivoltaic installation. Learn more about our services here.

Contact us

Are you a farmer and interested in the concept of agrivoltaics? Would you like to realise a project together with us? We look forward to talking to you and will be happy to advise you individually!